
How to Handle Large, Out-of-the Ordinary Federal Agency Proposals
90-Minute On-Demand Webinar. Available in CD, MP4 and PDF Transcript.

or Call 1-800-303-0129 ext. 506

You’ve no doubt put together big grant applications for NIH or NSF, which can be a huge challenge. But more than likely, your project team included other researchers in your field working for the same organization at one location. What if the proposal were even bigger? And it required input from team members in multiple disciplines at numerous locations for a grant from a federal agency like the Department of Energy, Department of Defense, EPA or NASA?

This must-attend Webinar will examine, explain, expose and demystify the nuts and bolts of orchestrating large proposals that don’t fit the NIH or NSF models. You’ll learn the philosophy and mechanics of putting together teams for responding to interdisciplinary federal program solicitations. The program will also help you understand the proposal requirements, how to manage and arrange the prep work and, finally, submit the proposal successfully.

5 Key Take-Aways:

  • Keys to holding a productive meeting
  • Guidelines for orchestrating the entire process
  • Strategies for approaching federal labs
  • Management tactics for successful multi-PI collaboration
  • How to handle subcontracting and other budget issues

This Webinar is Perfect for Scientists Who Want To:

  • Get their isolated proposal team members together in one location
  • Figure out exactly what the solicitation asks (particularly true for DOE and DOD)
  • Collect all necessary budgets, letters and other documents
  • Create the budget
  • Coordinate assembling the proposal’s disparate components

Limited-Time Offer!

  • CD-ROM with PDF Handouts — Reg. Price: $197 Now: Only $129!
  • MP4 with PDF Handouts — Reg. Price: $197 Now: Only $129!
  • PDF Transcript with Handouts — Reg. Price: $197 Now: Only $129!

Valid on NEW orders only.


Meet Your Presenter:

Elsa Nadler, has worked in research administration for 30 years, beginning her career at West Virginia University and moving in 2007 to the University of Toledo where she is director of Grants Development. Nadler has addressed a range of issues and is familiar with multiple budget formats, subcontracting and consulting issues as well as electronic submissions. As an editor and writer, she conducts workshops and gives presentations at professional conferences. Nadler has a doctorate in Higher Education Administration and studied modern foreign languages as an undergraduate. In her spare time, she reads and volunteers on prairie restoration projects with the local Metroparks system.

This Webinar presentation is brought to you as a training tool by the Principal Investigators Association, which is an independent organization. The presentation, tools presented and their contents are not connected with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), nor are they endorsed by this agency. All views expressed are those personally held by the presenter and are not official government policies or opinions.